Stack’s Bowers April 2013 Hong Kong
*Some writing appears in the catalog (Prices and reference)
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Stack’s Bowers April 2013 Hong Kong Auction
Stack’s Bowers April 2013 Hong Kong
Hong Kong Auction #175
Binding Catalog: Featuring The Edgar J. Mandel Collection (Part 1)
In stock
Stack’s Bowers April 2013 Hong Kong
*Some writing appears in the catalog (Prices and reference)
Teutoburger Münzauktion Feb 2014 80 (Auktion)
(China X & Südostasien)
Ancient, Modern Chinese and World Coins Medal and collectables.
Teutoburger Münzauktion Sept 2013 76 (Auktion)
(China X & Südostasien)
Stack’s Bowers March 2015 Baltimore, USA
(Henry P. Kendall Foundation Collection)
Stories, Colonial Notes, Continental Currency, United States and World Coins.
Stack’s Bowers January 2015. New York, USA
(Ancient, World Coins & Paper Money)
A fantastic guide into rare Modern Chinese circulated coins.
*Book is in Chinese with English in parts. It is an excellent resource for gaining knowledge into the rarity and mintage’s of Modern Chinese Circulated Coins.
2012 China Gold Coin Magazine.
(Monthly magazine issued by the China Gold Coin Ltd).
Features: Latest 2012 Chinese mint issues.
2012 Chinese Panda 30th Anniversary Gold and Silver Commemorative coins and others.
China Treasures Auction 2013
(Ancient Coins, Gold Ingots & Silver Sycees, Antique and Artwork, Famous Wines)
Mr Ge Zukang (Famous Chinese Numismatic) list his yearly rating for Modern Chinese Coins.